Movement & Anatomy

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Alignment: listening to the rivers of gravity

Beginning or no understanding of topic, Open to all
Some standing/ movement
Likely neutral
Our relationship to gravity requires us to align with it, or to suffer the consequences. The articulating structures of the joints are like maps of gravity's pathways through the body. As a human animal we have choices that other animals do not appear to have in the same way. We can choose to listen to and perceive our limits or to ignore them until forced to do so. As human beings we embody a complex network of systems and relationships coming into being in every moment. Not only do our choices influence the physical health and the well being of our bodies, but also that of the environments we belong to. What happens when we look at the body as a guide to the fractal expression of this universe? What is the relationship between health and limits? What if we are able to access insight and understanding through the mapping and respecting of our structural limits? This class will look at alignment from several angles. We will travel through the anatomical to the philosophical and explore what potential lies within this more holistic concept of alignment. Come to learn and feel inspired to be a part of life.
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All Movement & Anatomy presentations proudly sponsored by Gil Hedley.

Movement & Anatomy

This session is free to watch
Presented by

Movement Education and Science and Anatomy