Lisa Medley

Lisa Medley believes that as we create more love in the body, we create more love in the world.
Lisa Medley believes that as we create more love in the body, we create more love in the world. She serves as an Embodiment Guide, empowering others to reclaim their birthright to feel comfortable in their own skin, so they can express their best self with more ease and grace. As an energetically sensitive being, Lisa has discovered that cultivating a kind relationship with her body is a key component to sustaining optimal health and wellness as well as spiritual connection. She has been dancing like no one is watching since she was born, a self-proclaimed body geek, and is passionate about creating the experience of embodiment simple, accessible, and compassionate. Lisa has over 20 years’ experience in the healing arts including a MA in Expressive Therapy, certified in therapeutic massage and movement therapy, a facilitator of conscious dance workshops, studied life and wellness coaching, and continues to immerse herself in the vast array of healing modalities in somatics, energy medicine, and spirituality. She is a Circle of Leadership Recipient from the National Wellness Institute, a Living Healthy List expert, and currently writing a book on how to cultivate a positive body relationship and shift the body wisdom paradigm from suppressed to sacred. Lisa is creatrix of various body-centered offerings and enjoys living in Rhode Island, USA with her husband of 20 years and their pre-teen son.

Recorded Sessions