Movement & Anatomy

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A Return to Gender Bias: Why women need a separate container for the deliverance of optimal performance

Beginning or no understanding of topic, Open to all
Some standing/ movement
Likely neutral
Hundreds of studies have shown us how different the female muscle responds to various exercises differently than men, yet women are still being trained the same as men. We know that exercise training and diet affects women differently across changes in her cycle, yet women still only account for less than 4% of all exercise science research. In this presentation, Sara will walk you through the commonly overlooked differences between men and women on a physiological, musculoskeletal, limbic, somatic, and biochemical level, as well as the proven, yet dangerously ignored differences on a cellular level. Within each variation, she will provide the critical steps that can be taken to reduce the increasingly high rates of female burnout, chronic pain, injury, depression and autoimmune disease.
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All Movement & Anatomy presentations proudly sponsored by Gil Hedley.

Movement & Anatomy

This session is free to watch
Presented by

Movement Education and Science and Anatomy