Matt Sorenson

CHEK Practitioner Level 4, CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, CHEK Golf Performance Specialist, PPS Practitioner, CHEK 4 Quadrant Practitioner, Medical Massage Therapist, Strength Coach, Nutritionist. Founder of Vital Principles Series.
Matthew started his career in Europe working with Nutrition. Since being back in Sydney he moved into Strength & Conditioning and has since become certified in manual therapies such as Remedial Massage, Visceral, Neural and Cranial Nerve Manipulation. He now lectures at governing institutes to Personal Trainers and Massage Therapists. He has built several workshops including ‘What Your Body Is Telling You’ and ‘Rite Your Passage’. As a Holistic Health Practitioner, Visceral Manipulator, Counsellor and corrective exercise specialist. Matthew has developed a unique approach to wellness and education that ties in concepts from each of these fields. By treating the body as a whole system and finding the main cause of a problem, Matthew has been successful where traditional methods have consistently failed. He also specialises in medical failures and lectures at governing institutes to Personal Trainers and Massage Therapists and has written two books ‘Doing The Wrong Things Right’, ‘What Pain Is Telling You’ and new breakthrough online program, The Vital Principles.

Recorded Sessions