Movement & Anatomy

This session is free to watch

Restorative Contact: Mindful Touch for Grounding and Healing

Beginning or no understanding of topic, Open to all
Movement not required
Likely neutral
Restorative Contact is a mindful touch-based movement and body-centered empathy practice.
Restorative Contact is a mindful touch-based movement and body-centered empathy practice that developed from my choreographic explorations, my teaching of contact improv and my study of various somatic techniques including restorative yoga, tai chi, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, Klein technique, authentic movement, and deep listening. I will explain what Restorative Contact is and why touch is important for human development and wellbeing. My presentation will include background on SEX TAPE, a performance where the ‘found choreography’ between myself and a male lover, documented on video, was meticulously reconstructed with one significant change, replacing the man with a longtime female friend.
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Guided Practices

  • Restorative Contact


  • Arrival Practice


All Movement & Anatomy presentations proudly sponsored by Gil Hedley.

Movement & Anatomy

This session is free to watch
Presented by

Gabrielle Revlock

Gabrielle Revlock is a performer, choreographer, movement educator and creator of Restorative Contact, a mindful body-centered empathy practice.

Somatics & Embodied Movement