Ann Rodiger

Alexander Technique Teacher and Founder and Director of the Balance Arts Center
Ann Rodiger is the Founder and Director of the Balance Arts Center and the Balance Arts Center Alexander Technique Teacher Training Program. She has been teaching the Alexander Technique and movement for over 35 years in academic and private settings. She also is skilled in Labanotation, Laban Movement Analysis, Bartenieff Fundamentals, Yoga, meditation, and various dance techniques. Along with the Training Course in New York City Ann teaches in Germany, Belgium, Turkey and Israel. Ann produces conferences on the Alexander Technique and various disciplines such as Music, Voice, Acting, Dancing and Writing. She is a member of the American Society of the Alexander Technique and served on the Board of Directors for 4 years. She is a regular presenter at AmSAT annual conferences and serves on several committees of the Society. She has taught in several universities including: University of Illinois-Urbana, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, City College of New York, California State University-Hayward. Ann holds a Certification from the Urbana Center in the AT approved by the American Society of Alexander Technique. She also holds a Masters Degree in Dance and Movement Analysis from The Ohio State University and a Bachelors Degree with Honors from the University of Oregon.

Recorded Sessions