Ecology & Research

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Mindful Movement as the Confluence of Perspectival and Participatory Cognition

Beginning or no understanding of topic, Open to all
Movement not required
Likely neutral
Mindful movement irentegrates perspectival and participatory knowing to afford the deepest kind of self-knowledge because the self emerges from reflective awareness and sensorimotor movement.
In this talk I will make use of some cutting edge cognitive science, to explore the nature and function of perspectival knowing: knowing what it is like to be here and now from within a particular state of mind. I will also explore the nature. of participatory knowing: knowing by being dynamically coupled to something and identified within it such as how one knows their own body and mind. I will then argue that perspectival knowing is best disclosed within the reflective awareness of mindfulness, and that sensorimotor interaction with the world best discloses our participatory knowing. Finally, the bulk of my talk will be how the self and the sense of self emerge from the interaction and integration of reflective self-awareness and self-modeling within sensorimotor movement. This will lead to the conclusion that the deepest form of self-knowledge is achieved through disciplined mindful movement, and therefore is at the core of the cultivation of wisdom.
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Ecology & Research

This session is free to watch
Presented by

Dr. John Vervaeke

Cognitive Scientist studying embodied cognition at the intersection of science and spirituality.

Introduction To Embodied Research