Ecology & Research

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The Newest Science of Embodiment: Lessons from Interoception, The Eighth Sense

Beginning or no understanding of topic, Open to all
Movement not required
Likely neutral
Interoception is an important sensory system that helps us to feel internal body signals like a racing heart, growling stomach, or tense muscles. Research indicates that our ability to clearly notice and interpret these internal body signals contributes to an embodied experience. Living in a disembodied world, interoception challenges are very common in many people, but these challenges are also present in people with certain conditions including trauma disorders, anxiety, depression, ADHD and autism. This session will provide participants with an overview of what research tells us about interoception as well as a brief discussion regarding evidence-based approaches to nurturing and improving interoception.
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Guided Practices

  • Body Awareness


  • Squeezing Hands


All Ecology & Research presentations proudly sponsored by Forest without frontiers.

Ecology & Research

This session is free to watch
Presented by

Dr. Kelly Mahler

Dr. Kelly Mahler is an occupational therapist, author, speaker and interoception groupie