Dr. Merel Visse

Merel Visse (PhD) incorporates care studies with the arts and aesthetics and she serves as the Director of the Medical and Health Humanities at Drew University, Madison, New Jersey,

Merel Visse (PhD) incorporates care studies with the arts and aesthetics. Her work results in conversations, papers, talks, drawings, experimentations, and collaborations that examine care. She serves as the Director of the Medical and Health Humanities at Drew University, Madison, New Jersey, where she was awarded the Meryll Skaggs Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2020. She is also an associate professor in Care Ethics at the Dutch University of Humanistic Studies. Merel authored a vast number of peer-reviewed journal publications and books. Her newest book, A Care Paradigm, co-authored with Dr. Robert Stake, will be published this Fall.

Recorded Sessions