Each breath could be your last: Contemplating death to liberate your life.
Beginning or no understanding of topic, Open to all
Movement not required
Potentially triggering
We’re all going to do die, and we don’t know when. Or how. Death reflexion cuts through habitual preoccupations and anxieties about my needs, my wishes, my preferences, as we realise we will soon be gone, in just a few decades or maybe in just a few days.
The contemplative traditions have many practices for facing, befriending and transforming our relationship to death. They recognise how much of our life-energy is bound up in unconscious fear, resistance, desire and distraction, rooted in that most basic fear, of death or non-existence.
This conference session will explore death-recollection practices in a personal and direct way. There will be discussion, dialogue and meditation practice, pointing towards the real possibility of a fundamental freeness from existential fear and angst, to an awareness and ease that allows us to live more fully and die more freely. Because, as a sign on a tree in a Forest monastery in Thailand where I once lived used to remind me every day: "Relax. In 100 years all new people"
All Meditation & Breathwork presentations proudly sponsored by Philip Shepherd and TEPP.