Fallness - hacking inner resistances
Beginning or no understanding of topic, Open to all
Some standing/ movement
Likely soothing
We are going to track down and map the road of unconscious resistances accumulated and stored in the bodies through playfulness and self-deconstructive processes. Falling is the cornerstone, a point of navigation in the sea of hidden resistances that extrapolates the outskirts of a more mechanical description of the falling phenomena. We will cultivate falling as a stateless state of being as the cornerstone for the principles of effortlessness, connectedness and flow embodiment. The session is preferably worked with a partner. It welcomes anyone eager and curious to explore and dissolve habituated relationships to inner resistances and other dysfunctional blockages through a versatility of cooperative confrontational drills and exercises.
All Martial & Healing Arts presentations proudly sponsored by Rafe Kelley.