Lizzie Reumont

Rolfer, Rolf Movement Practitioner and Yoga Teacher. UK
Lizzie Reumont is a Rolfer, Rolf Movement Practitioner and Yoga Teacher. Diagnosed with a chronic auto-immune disease at three years old, mortality and disruption have been major themes in her life for over four decades. Growing up, this meant doing everything she could to escape her physical reality - she ran marathons, over exercised and under ate. By her late twenties, though, this approach was catching up with her. With physical pain anxiety and depression, there was nowhere left to run. Lizzie found yoga, and with it, her journey of turning toward herself and her illness for resolution, began. Over the course of twenty years, Lizzie’s yoga practice and the Rolfing framework have seen her through a traumatic pregnancy and childbirth, a liver transplant, and spinal surgery. Her work today is in creating a safe space to guide people through the face of change. In teaching yoga, she marries the explorative nature of embodied, meditative movement with skilful precision of asana and pranayama. Her Rolfing practice shines a lens on relationship that starts with getting to know the body and its limitations and blockages, and through the dialogue of touch, imagines the potential for increased mobility, stability and positive change. She believes that working through the body provides at least, a more easeful experience in gravity, and at best, opens a transformative process for redefining what it means to be human.

Recorded Sessions