Martial & Healing Arts

This session is free to watch

Involuntary Movements, Emotions and Wellness

Intermediate understanding
Some standing/ movement
Likely neutral
Involuntary movements are spontaneous, rhythmic, pulsatory vibrations that are formative to our body and our experience. Embodying and bringing into awareness these movements provides a direct and immediate reconnection with our most intelligent and authentic expression of who we are. Embracing all our emotions and integrating their effects in our body without judgement, is the process of deep recognition of oneself and life. Embodiment of our emotions and integration of our involuntary movements are the pillars of homeodynamics and wellness. Cheda will share the latest science regarding this subject and will demonstrate how you can practically and safely experience these movements and emotions on 22nd October 2020.
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Guided Practices

  • Simple Body Map and Movement Exercise


  • Movement Inquiry Exercise


All Martial & Healing Arts presentations proudly sponsored by Rafe Kelley.

Martial & Healing Arts

This session is free to watch
Presented by

Cheda Mikic

Practitioner in Naturopathy, Biodynamic craniosacral therapy and TRE®. Italy