Coaching & Therapy

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How coaching outdoors can help us have a more embodied coaching experience

Beginning or no understanding of topic, Open to all
Movement not required
Likely soothing
Karen will share how ‘place’ and specifically natural settings can support, inform and enhance the coaching experience, for both the coachee and coach. She will share her own story and how she came to develop this approach and what it takes from us as coaches to work well with clients in natural settings. As well as the obvious wellbeing and physical benefits of walking and spending time in nature, Karen will discuss some of the many advantages of coaching clients outdoors, based on research and her experience of working with clients in nature. She will also share practice tips and skills for taking coaching outside. Karen is a coach and mindfulness trainer specialising in 1:1 and team coaching in green space as well as leading retreat days in nature. Karen is German and has lived in London for 19 years.
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Guided Practices

  • Connect to Earth, Body and Sky


  • Earth, Water, Fire, Air


All Coaching & Therapy presentations proudly sponsored by Dylan Newcomb and Uzazu Embodied Intelligence.

Coaching & Therapy

This session is free to watch
Presented by

Instructional Models