Ecology & Research

This session is free to watch

The Wild Walk Home: exploring the vitality of the body and the living world

Beginning or no understanding of topic, Open to all
Space and loose clothed required
Likely neutral
A guided wander outside, engaging the five senses and using mindfulness, play and intuitive movement to connect with the body and natural world.
Abandon head and house. In this session, we will come back to the first and most primal home: the body in the living world. Too often, we are trained to see and use the body as a tool and the natural world as a resource. In this hour, we will draw into a closer relationship with the life that tingles in the skin, shivers leaves into being and soars in a bird’s outstretched wing. Wandering outside and engaging the five senses, we will connect with ourselves, each other and the plant and animal world. Expect to feel more alive, soothed in mind and energised in body, with a vivid sense of yourself as a human animal in an intricate web of life. You will need headphones and to begin outside or be ready to leave ten minutes after the session starts.
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All Ecology & Research presentations proudly sponsored by Forest without frontiers.

Ecology & Research

This session is free to watch
Presented by

Sarah Ryan

Rewilding facilitator and writer, leading soulful adventures on The Wild Walk Home, helping people come back to a vital experience of themselves and the living world.