Ecology & Research

This session is free to watch

The Body as Portal: Embodied Ways of Inquiry

Beginning or no understanding of topic, Open to all
Some standing/ movement
Likely soothing
This performative presentation will explore the body as a place of deep listening and a portal to the terrain of the inner life. We will explore embodied ways of inquiry which break open what it means to honour the terrain of the body and cultivate creativity from the inside out. Focus will be on embracing the paradox in our bodies and the joy of accessing visceral ways of knowing. There will be opportunity to listen, move, and open up pathways to write from the body. This session will open up ways that the body can be a site of inquiry and a place for transformation and to deeply experience that we do not only have bodies, we are bodies.
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All Ecology & Research presentations proudly sponsored by Forest without frontiers.

Ecology & Research

This session is free to watch
Presented by

Prof. Celeste Snowber

Celeste Snowber, PhD is a dancer, poet, writer and award-winning educator who is a Professor in the Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University outside Vancouver, B.C. Canada.