Ecology & Research

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Embodying Nature: The Art of Creative Reciprocity

Beginning or no understanding of topic, Open to all
Movement not required
Likely neutral
Embodying Nature is a somatic-expressive methodology I have formulated over the past 30 years for activating a creative reciprocity between the inner and outer landscapes. This process combines specific somatic tools and relational tasks for immersion in the sensorial experience of the environment. The first step is to animate the inner landscape with the five somatic technologies: breath, vocalization, contact, movement and stillness. From there we enter into an active relationship with the outer landscape through a five-part map: contacting, witnessing, mirroring, responding, and resting. Shifting attention and action back and forth between the inner and outer invites a new perception of self and place.
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Guided Practices

  • Interoceptive Capacity Meditation


  • Video Exercise (Immanent Becoming)


All Ecology & Research presentations proudly sponsored by Forest without frontiers.

Ecology & Research

This session is free to watch
Presented by

Jamie McHugh

An interdisciplinary artist, somatic movement specialist and the creator of Somatic Expression® - Body Wisdom for Modern Times