Ecology & Research

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Indigenous Elder Knowledge and Wisdom for Modern Times

Beginning or no understanding of topic, Open to all
Space and loose clothed required
Likely neutral
As the whirlwind intensifies - stay in your heart center. We have reversed the laws for living. Mother Earth is here to stay. She doesn't need us to save her. She has lived for billions of years and she'll live for billions more. The question is whether or not we humans will too. We have forgotten our niche in nature. We need to recall. We have been in our minds too long. We need to get back home, to our hearts.
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Ecology & Research

This session is free to watch
Presented by

Ilarion Merculieff

Ilarion (Larry Merculieff) was raised in a traditional Unangan (Aleut) way and received his Unangan name Kuuyux at age 4. The name is given to one person in each lifetime. Kuuyux means an arm extending out from the body, a carrier of ancient knowledge into modern times, a messenger. Today he is living the legacy of his name.