Francesca Mason Boring

Francesca Mason-Boring, a bi-cultural international facilitator and trainer of Family Systems Constellation from the Western Shoshone Tribe includes the universal indigenous field and radical belonging in her approach to systemic philosophy.
Francesca Mason-Boring is a bi-cultural international facilitator and trainer of Family Systems Constellation. Informed by the work of many of the early Masters in Family Systems Constellation, and her own indigenous elders, Mason-Boring has contributed to the development of integration of ceremony in constellations as well nature and community constellations. A Western Shoshone, (an indigenous tribe in the United States), Francesca has authored numerous books and has served as an advisor and contributing writer for The Knowing Field, an international scholarly journal on systems constellation. Having presented at numerous conferences internationally on the topic of the Universal Indigenous Field she has served on faculty for Intensives on Systemic Constellations in Germany, Mexico, Australia, South Africa and the U.S.A. ‘Working from a philosophy of connection we are reminded that an embodied sense of belonging is our birthright.’

Recorded Sessions