
This session is free to watch

Yoga For Grief Support: A Holistic Practice

Intermediate understanding
Some standing/ movement
Potentially triggering
This session will be part lecture, and part experiential. You will learn what grief is, and how it manifests in the mind, body and spirit, and use yoga as an exploratory tool to understand it in an embodied way. The yoga experience will be very gentle, restorative and meditative. Learning outcomes 1. You will be able to define grief, and express how it manifests in the body, mind and spirit. This includes appraising how misconceptions of grief may influence your integration of grief. 2. You will practice using basic yoga techniques to explore your grief in a compassionate way. 3. You will experiment with creating a compassionate holding space within your own self to support your grief.
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Guided Practices

  • Breath, Body and Postural Exploration


  • Chair Pose and Calming


  • Savasana


All Yoga presentations proudly sponsored by Leslie Kaminoff and


This session is free to watch
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