
This session is free to watch

Integrating Space, Play & Asana for Curious Movers

Intermediate understanding
Space and loose clothed required
Likely soothing
The secret to moving freely lies within your environment and a playful mindset. Join David for a practice-led session of unlocking the boundless potential of your individual movement language. Open to all with a curious mind. Learning outcomes 1. Discover strategies to expand our possibilities of movement, whether as practitioner or facilitator. 2. Utilise space as an open guide towards free-form movement beyond asana. 3. Embody play as an approach to cultivating a resilient and responsive body-mind.
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Guided Practices

  • Playful Yoga Practice


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This session is free to watch
Presented by

David Kam

David Kam is a movement artist and yogi weaving over 15 years of mindfulness, somatic and artistic research including degrees in architecture and dance.