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Trauma Releasing Exercises: Ancient systems and modern science

Intermediate understanding
Movement not required
Likely neutral
Ancient systems and modern science
This presentation will use PowerPoint’s and videos, to demonstrate how the ancient system of body tremors can be explained through modern science. We will discuss how the tremor mechanism reestablishes the necessary “intra-personal” relationship with one’s self as the foundational element for re-developing “inter-personal” relationships with others after traumatic events. We will look at how Post Traumatic Growth contributes to this process as a natural occurring outcome of the human body’s intrinsic survival mechanisms of myofascia patterns, Central Pattern Generators, Sensory Receptors and the Intrinsic Connectivity Network.
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All Keynote presentations proudly sponsored by Ilan Stephani.


This session is free to watch
Presented by

David Berceli

Creator of Trauma Releasing Exercise (TRE), Psychotherapist and therapeutic Bodywork