Meditation & Breathwork

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The Conscious Breathing Method to Improve Your Health and Well-Being

Beginning or no understanding of topic, Open to all
Some standing/ movement
Likely neutral
Do you get stressed out easily? Sleep poorly? Experience pain? Frequently feel worried and anxious? Find it hard to concentrate? Do you tire easily while exercising? It is very common to feel most of these at times. But have you ever thought about how you’re breathing during these circumstances? Our breathing is a direct reflection of our emotions, thoughts and physical body. . - A slumped posture will force the breath higher up in our chest - Fear and worry will make our breathing unrhythmic - A racing mind will make us breathe faster - Mouth breathing will lower your oxygenation and reduce your endurance, etc. . All of these changes to our breathing have immense consequences for our body physiology. Just a few minutes of oxygen deprivation is enough to destroy the brain’s ability to process incoming information forever. However, it isn´t just important THAT we breathe, but also HOW we breathe. If the way we breathe is just slightly out of balance, over time it will lead to severe negative consequences, since we breathe so much each and every day. . By improving the way we breathe we will oxygenate our body more efficiently, generate more energy, increase resiliency and handle stressful situations with a clearer mind. When we take control of our breathing, we will directly influence our thoughts and feelings, our internal organs such as the heart and brain, and the body’s various functions such as muscle movements, digestion and the immune system. . Do you know that we take about 1,000 breaths each hour, that’s up to 25,000 breaths in a single day. That’s 10-20 kg of air passing in and out of our system each day, which is ten times more than the amount of food we eat. Improving your breathing is a free and powerful way to improve your health that you can practice in any situation throughout the day. . In this breathing lecture Anders Olsson goes through what makes up good breathing and its influence on your sleep, energy, stress, worries and athletic performance.
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Guided Practices

  • Eye moving exercice


  • Breath awareness practice


All Meditation & Breathwork presentations proudly sponsored by Philip Shepherd and TEPP.

Meditation & Breathwork

This session is free to watch
Presented by

Anders Olsson

One of the world’s leading experts on breathing