Leadership & Business

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Seeing Through the Imposter

Beginning or no understanding of topic, Open to all
Some standing/ movement
Potentially triggering
Imposter Syndrome is a widespread cultural phenomenon. Why is it, that despite experience, success and skill, many of us still carry ideas of being an imposter? What is this persistent internalised identity as a fraudster, as somebody who, sooner or later, will be ‘found out’? The truth is, this ‘syndrome’ often has nothing to do with the skill or success of individuals and their accomplishments. In fact, often it is highly-skilled and competent people who struggle with this syndrome the most! This is a broad and nuanced topic to cover in one hour. It is unlikely the imposter will have packed up their bags and left by the time our workshop is over. Yet this time together will aim to provide insight and understanding of how the imposter arrives in our lives, as well as how to begin to see through, beyond and beneath its attempts to limit us. Like Dorothy in encountering the Wizard of Oz, the imposter may insist you “pay no attention to that man behind the curtain”. Together we will seek to lift up the veil and expose a not all-powerful wizard, but an illusion – a trickster who knows that perceptions and realities are often quite different things. From here we can begin to ask questions of our own lives about how we may be misinterpreting reality, and how our perception and ideas of fraudulence may inhibit us from bringing our gifts most fully to the world. Kanada is offering an online deep dive into the imposter syndrome starting in May 2021 called "The Imposter & The Selkie". Visit shine.squarespace.com to find out more
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Guided Practices

  • Whole Brain Posture Technique


  • Embodied Imposter Syndrome Inquiry


All Leadership & Business presentations proudly sponsored by Michelle Boulé.

Leadership & Business

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