Ecology & Research

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Maps to Connected Perception: Deep Ecology, Plant Medicine and Animism as Gateways into the Wider Body of Earth.

Beginning or no understanding of topic, Open to all
Movement not required
Likely neutral
Skye Cielita Flor and Miraz Mycena provide a map of the perceptual journey from Separation to Interbeing.
“the ecological, economic and social crises that are progressively worsening, are in fact the symptoms of an underlying deeper crisis – a crisis of perception, a crisis of consciousness.” (Fritjof Capra) This talk is about the crisis of perception and what we can do about it. In the context of the Anthropocene, mass extinction and civilizational collapse, we provide a high-level map / whirlwind-mini-tour / seed-head of the perceptual journey from SEPARATION to INTERBEING. We suggest that the synergy of deep ecology, plant medicine (psychedelics, neuro-gnostics) and animism has immense potential to ground this sensory-perceptual shift long-term. Our aim: to sow a seed, which may germinate as this question: what does it mean to be a cell in the body of earth?
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Ecology & Research

This session is free to watch
Presented by

Skye Cielita Flor & Miraz Mycena

Miraz and Skye are activists of perception, facilitators of experiential Deep Ecology and students of Curanderismo (traditional plant medicine).