Integrating Breathwork into Psychotherapy
geek warning, requires advanced understanding
Movement not required
Likely neutral
As a clinical psychologist who has been integrating breathwork into psychotherapy sessions since 1976, I have encountered many and varied lessons along the way. I will share in this session the breadth and scope of:
~ what breathwork can contribute to what types of clients under what types of circumstances,
~ the benefits and contraindications of slower than normal and faster than normal breathing,
~ the research delineating the neurological effects of each breathing technique,
~ the main principles which I have derived for having breathwork in psychotherapy be safe, engaging and effective beyond what a cognitive approach alone can achieve.
As the co-director of the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance, I will also discuss the ethics of working with non-ordinary states of consciousness in psychotherapy.
All Meditation & Breathwork presentations proudly sponsored by Philip Shepherd and TEPP.