Embodiment - Reclaiming Innocence
Intermediate understanding
Some standing/ movement
Likely neutral
Shame. The word itself weighs heavy in the belly. And when our belly is heavy our
breathing is impaired. The decreased breath and the shame block us from flowering
into our fullest being. Yet we have become so used to hiding it from ourselves that
we are unable to experience a true sense of inner peace. Instead of living with the
burden - and the consequences it creates - what if there is another choice? Anthony
will discuss with us how we can use breathwork to review and renew the scripts of
life we live by, and make conscious choices to change them - and ourselves - into
the richest version we can be.
In This Session:
A renewed sense of hope, and understanding there is another way
Learn to think differently
The ability to transform shame into gain
All Meditation & Breathwork presentations proudly sponsored by Philip Shepherd and TEPP.