Dance & Creativity

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Flow Writing: Embodying Inspiration on the Page

Beginning or no understanding of topic, Open to all
Movement not required
Likely soothing
Flow Writing: Embodying Inspiration on the Page. There's no such thing as writer's block. Each of us could write non-stop our entire lives and only scratch the surface of possible expression. When we become willing to show up, hold space for what wants to come through, write the things we think we shouldn't write, welcome all parts of ourselves in the flow, we can access infinite inspiration. Inspiration is a muscle, and gets strong the same way all muscles do, through balancing use and rest. Everything you struggle with or reject about your writing experience and output is a gift in disguise. This session will playfully explore how to embrace and express those gifts. It will go deep, but stay light-hearted as it does.
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All Dance & Creativity presentations proudly sponsored by Amara Pagano and Azul.

Dance & Creativity

This session is free to watch
Presented by

Dave Rock

Freestyle spoken word artist, teacher of Flow Speaking and Conscious Creativity