Dance & Creativity

This session is free to watch

Everyday Magic: The Art of Dreaming in Motion

Beginning or no understanding of topic, Open to all
Some standing/ movement
Likely neutral
Embody and move with your dreams—whether night dreams, daydreams, or life dreams—to touch what is alive and important to you right now. Forget everything you ever knew about what dream symbols “mean.” Enter solo or with a partner into creative, playful, moving engagement with one snippet of experience at a time, and awaken again into the sense of wild wonder smack in the midst of this messy, insane, miraculous life. Through movement, sound, and interactive play, allow meaning to emerge and change you.
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Guided Practices

  • Movement Practice


  • Point of Entry Meditation


  • Dance of the Future


All Dance & Creativity presentations proudly sponsored by Amara Pagano and Azul.

Dance & Creativity

This session is free to watch
Presented by

Zuza Engler

Life-long kinesthetic investigator, trained in Buddhist meditation, Gestalt, psychospiritual inquiry, and movement practices ranging from yoga to expressive dance