Meditation & Breathwork

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Embodiment as a human right and reclaiming emodiment through mindful self care

Intermediate understanding
Movement not required
Potentially triggering
Embodiment is often referred to as a way of being, a pathway to healing, as well as essential to wellbeing. In this presentation, I explore embodiment as the most basic human right serving as a foundation of all human rights as listed in the United Nations' Declaration of Human Rights (1948). That is, embodiment is a human right that must be defended within systems and context as well as within. Despite an almost global acceptance that we must fight for our right to be positively embodied, many of us, perhaps most humans, ignore, discount, and/or fail to fight for our own personal embodiment. In this talk I will make a case for fighting equally hard for embodiment within oppressive systems, harmful relationships systems, and in our own bodies. Mindful self-care will be detailed as a systematic process by which we can begin to own and nurture this tremendous charge.
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All Meditation & Breathwork presentations proudly sponsored by Philip Shepherd and TEPP.

Meditation & Breathwork

This session is free to watch
Presented by

Dr. Catherine Cook-Cottone

Creator and director of the Mindful Counseling Advanced Certificate program