Leadership & Business

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Who Do We Choose to Be

Beginning or no understanding of topic, Open to all
Movement not required
Likely neutral
Embodiment as a gift to others
For several years now, and for the rest of her life, Margaret is dedicated to training leaders, activists and citizens to step forward as peaceful warriors who protect and defend the human spirit and the spirit of life. As warriors, we train diligently to embody the qualities of generosity, altruism, insight and compassion. We train so that we can offer our trustworthy presence to any situation. And we seek to embody the best human qualities so that others, in our presence, may remember what it is to be a good human being.
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All Leadership & Business presentations proudly sponsored by Michelle Boulé.

Leadership & Business

This session is free to watch
Presented by

Margaret Wheatley

Warriors for the Human Spirit: Embodiment as a gift to others