Leadership & Business

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The Gift of Trauma: Discover your Life Purpose

Beginning or no understanding of topic, Open to all
Some standing/ movement
Potentially triggering
Why did it always happen to me? Why do I have to go through this? What is my purpose? What is that feeling of emptiness? How can I motivate myself? Sure, you are asking yourself those questions every day. Emotional or physical Traumas, those shocking instants, and realizations, when your body and emotion stop and freeze, and feeling of helplessness and shame come over you, and you experience soul loss, can also be seen as an opportunity. Those harsh Life Lessons, when conscious, can re-correct and direct your life to put them back on track to walk your true soul path. Itzhak shares the belief that each of us came into this life to experience and healed a unique, pre-birth soul-selected life purpose. The soul, that unattached energy body, contains your life intent, a guiding force from which you do your job, and see where your action comes from. Knowing your life purpose gives you perspective on past events and current circumstances, and allows you to direct your life toward your soul’s highest intentions better.
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Guided Practices

  • 10 Rocks, 10 Traumas


All Leadership & Business presentations proudly sponsored by Michelle Boulé.

Leadership & Business

This session is free to watch
Presented by

Itzhak Beery

Shamanic Teacher, Author, & Speaker