
This session is free to watch

The Organic Rate of Release: An Innovation within Trauma Based Yoga Therapy

Intermediate understanding
Some standing/ movement
Potentially triggering
A pre-recorded session.
Trauma is painted as a picture of indescribable and unwanted discomfort. But each person experiences trauma differently to another. Teach your students (or your self) how to move beyond self-judgement of their traumas and into self-empowerment by learning how to direct attention and open awareness to the area of trauma in ways that instil our own organic process. Practitioners will be introduced to a simple method of working with identifying and dismantling locked trauma within the body. Explore how breathing and yoga soften the hardness that solidifies within areas of locked up trauma and learn how to explore the gifts behind the curtains that cover the Dark Nights Of The Soul. Learning outcomes 1. Identify locked trauma in the body 2. Use breathing and yoga to soften areas of locked trauma 3. Learn how to use awareness and self-empowerment to unlock hidden gifts
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Guided Practices

  • Deep Breathing


  • Side Bends


  • Abdominal Activation


  • Extended Sequence


All Yoga presentations proudly sponsored by Leslie Kaminoff and


This session is free to watch
Presented by

Jambo Truong

A Forrest Yoga Guardian, Jambo teaches the classical framework of Forrest Yoga and adds his unique approach of kinesiology to enable further understanding of the biomechanics and somatic experiences within the practise of yoga.