Leadership & Business

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Addressing the Elephant in the Room as a Superpower for Connection

Beginning or no understanding of topic, Open to all
Some standing/ movement
Likely neutral
Lessons from across 30+ communities and organizations on how to transform tough moments into group connection
Have you ever walked (or Zoomed) into a room and gotten that "weird feeling" - like something isn't being spoken, and nobody wants to say it? These unspoken truths are the Elephants in the Room. The elephant might be mistrust of others, exhaustion, disconnection, boredom, even attraction or the failure to celebrate success. Maybe nobody can see the elephant clearly, or maybe everyone sees it but nobody knows what to say. When something can't be named, it can't be addressed. If it gets named in a skillful way, all that stuck energy can rocket a group into more connection and momentum than ever. If it's named unskillfully...it can tear a group apart. In this workshop, we'll discuss some tools for skillfully naming and working with the Elephant in the Room!
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All Leadership & Business presentations proudly sponsored by Michelle Boulé.

Leadership & Business

This session is free to watch
Presented by

Sara Ness

Community Leader, Embodied Facilitator, and Writer