Meditation & Breathwork

This session is free to watch

The Breath - Body - Mind Connection

Beginning or no understanding of topic, Open to all
Some standing/ movement
Potentially triggering
We all know that breathing is the fundamental activity of our physical system. Yet it is often over-looked, allowing bad habits to develop. This session takes a practical look at how we can not only reconnect with our breathing but also use it to manage tension, stress and fear. Topics include: The Four Levels of Breathing Selective Tension How to Move Tension From Physical to Psychological Dealing with Pain and Fear Breathing to Enhance Movement No equipment is required and all the exercises can be done sitting, standing or lying down
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Guided Practices

  • Establishing Contact with Breathing


All Meditation & Breathwork presentations proudly sponsored by Philip Shepherd and TEPP.

Meditation & Breathwork

This session is free to watch
Presented by

Rob Poyton

Systema teacher across the UK and Europe who's been involved in martial arts and health practices for almost 40 years