Leadership & Business

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Human Emotion and Leadership: The Practice of the Embodied Voice

Beginning or no understanding of topic, Open to all
Some standing/ movement
Likely neutral
In modern culture, we've often been influenced to feel that in order to exemplify strong leadership we must dismiss or "tuck away" our uncomfortable human emotions, and, instead, put our "best face" forward. What if your greatest expression and clearest communication actually relied on the very fuel of your emotional charge? Join Vocal Therapeutic Performance coach Leslie Helpert in understanding the physics of emotion as a means to liberate your exquisite voice. Here, the voice supports integrated, values-based, powerful leadership on all levels, from our most intimate interactions to our professionally-at-large lives. Through experiential practices, we'll explore the medicine of the somatic voice, a self-regulatory, therapeutic tool, biologically built to benefit both our own wellness and our collective evolution.
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Guided Practices

  • Introduction to Voicework


  • Range


  • Directing Your Voice to the Left and the Right


  • Practice to Release Sounds Before Sleeping


  • Breathing


All Leadership & Business presentations proudly sponsored by Michelle Boulé.

Leadership & Business

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