Dance & Creativity

This session is free to watch

Design meets the body

Intermediate understanding
Some standing/ movement
Likely soothing
How perspectives from conscious dance and embodiment coaching integrate with the design process to develop a more human-centred design practice
In this session Matt Shearing (dancer, artist & Lead Design at The Embodiment Conference) will explore how human factors and their somatic origins influence modern design. The session will explore the creative design process using the Design Council's 'Double Diamond' (discover, define, develop, deliver) and how it relates to the embodied 4 elements coaching model. Prepare to discover, define, develop & deliver your ideas from concept to fruition.
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Guided Practices

  • How might we? Draw a grid of 8 pieces and find a solution with MAX IMPACT and LOW EFFORT


All Dance & Creativity presentations proudly sponsored by Amara Pagano and Azul.

Dance & Creativity

This session is free to watch
Presented by

Matt Shearing

Visual artist and designer