Intimacy & Relationships

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Conflict = Energy: Transformative Conversations

Intermediate understanding
Movement not required
Likely neutral
Our communication intimately shapes our lives. Our relationships can make or break our success and happiness. Yet most of us grew up without any formal teachings on communication, relationships, and our emotions. How can we best handle conflict and tension in our relationships? How can we create the richest and juiciest romantic connections? How can we synergize with others and have the highest level of productivity and innovation in our careers? Authentic relating is a set of practical teachings that directly answer these questions. AR provides a full set of tools and skills teaching us how to be a more evolved human being in the world as we rub up against other humans. Join me for this highly dense and interactive session to unlock your own relational and social awareness.
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Guided Practices

  • What is Authentic Relating


  • Polarity as Practice


  • Inquiry Practice


  • 5 Tools of Authentic Relating


All Intimacy & Relationships presentations proudly sponsored by Ilan Stephani.

Intimacy & Relationships

This session is free to watch
Presented by

Jason B. Digges

Co-founder and Course Leader, Authentic Relating Training International. USA