Intimacy & Relationships

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The Role of Desire in Embodied Leadership: Why Your Desire To Contribute Is Crucial For Global Transformation

Intermediate understanding
Movement not required
Likely neutral
In this dynamic, interactive session, we will explore a new perspective on Desire and the crucial role it plays as our internal compass. We'll look at how it gets hijacked (and what we can do about that) as well as discover the 6 powerful ways in which Desire makes itself known to us, with a focus on the 'Desire of Contribution' and the urgency of our time for all of us to be harnessing this desire. Bring your curiosity and enthusiasm to learn simple, effective ways to be on the creative, embodied side of leadership.
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Guided Practices

  • Visualization


  • Acknowledge a Desire


  • Everything is Possible


  • Next Step


  • Fulfilment as a State of Being


  • Breathing Exercise


All Intimacy & Relationships presentations proudly sponsored by Ilan Stephani.

Intimacy & Relationships

This session is free to watch
Presented by

Dr. Saida Désilets

International advocate for conscious, integrated sexuality, body-philosopher, and author