Stephanie Gottlob

Improvisational movement artist exploring somatic experience and creative process on and with the land.
Stephanie is an improvisational movement artist. A year ago she left the life I had been living in Toronto to follow a calling of embodying the various natural biomes of North America. Stephanie bought a truck camper and for the past 12 months she has been living, dancing, meditating, filming and photographing in remote parts of Nature exploring movement improvisation, creative process, and somatic experiences on and with the landscape. Each biome that she has thus far explored – deciduous forest, freshwater lake, arctic tundra, swamp, grasslands, river – reveals something new about somatic embodiment and artistic expression. While in Nature, she improvise with various elements of the landscape: water, color, mountains, sounds, rock, mud, grass, heat, roots, wind, empty space. It is a somatic approach to creativity and art.

Recorded Sessions