
This session is free to watch

Aston Kinetics

Intermediate understanding
Movement not required
Likely neutral
From simple steps to life changing prerecorded interview
In this prerecorded interview with Judith Aston, Mark and Judith will have a look on the body through the lens of the Aston paradigm. Judith Aston discovered a new paradigm for the body’s usage in alignment, daily motions, exercises, sitting, working, athletics and more. She shares some of the basic theory and practice with you in this meeting with Mark Walsh. Perhaps you too will feel inspired by your experience of reclaiming and reenergizing.
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Guided Practices

  • Imprints Pre-Test


  • Ground Reaction Force in Action


  • Chest Length with a Broom Stick


  • Walking Exploration


All Keynote presentations proudly sponsored by Ilan Stephani.


This session is free to watch
Presented by

Judith Aston

Pioneer in kinetics, founder of many forms of movement training, bodyworks, fitness programs and ergonomics - e.g. Aston® Kinetics and the Aston® Paradigm