Emmet Louis

Emmet Louis is the creator of the Modern Methods of Mobility, Co-creator of Handstand Factory and has worked as a teacher and coach for 15 years.

After a career in Circus Arts, Emmet Louis transitioned into the Fitness Industry, only to realise that he wants to do things a bit… differently. He is best known for his flexibility coaching, but offers a full range of acrobatics, handbalancing and personal development coaching as well. Emmet has been coaching since 2005, and has worked with people from all walks of life such as Circus Professionals, dancers, Professional Athletes and Coaches, to people who just want to be able to keep up with their kids. In 2015, Emmet started teaching his Modern Methods of Mobility seminar internationally, touring Europe, Canada, Australia and many places in between. Starting as a collection of highly effective methodologies for developing flexibility, it continues to evolve to include both cutting edge and ancient flexibility techniques, nothing is disregarded as long as it works. Emmet continues to grow his repertoire to offer high level online coaching, as well as advising and mentoring aspiring circus artists and coaches in the field of physical training, covering areas such as business mentorship for coaches, Education in the aspects of coaching beyond sets and reps, as well as Daoist philosophy of the Da Xuan school.

Recorded Sessions