Dr. Gemma Beckley

Clinical Psychologist and a qualified independent teacher of transcendental meditation

Dr Gemma Beckley is an independent teacher of Transcendental Meditation (TM), having trained many thousands of people in the last 8 years. Having formerly trained as a Clinical Psychologist with many years of experience working in the NHS (including teaching mindfulness), she is now a full-time TM teacher for the registered UK charity the Meditation Trust, who make TM accessible and affordable for all. During Gemma’s career, she has conducted research exploring the effects of TM on occupational stress, and also on anxiety, depression and well-being. Her training to teach the technique of transcendental meditation began with instruction at the age of 6, followed by many years of intensive practice and advanced courses, culminating in several months of specific residential training in the methods laid down by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. She has since taught TM privately to the general public who are often experiencing high levels of stress with a range of physical and mental health problems including anxiety, depression and insomnia, plus people on the Autistic Spectrum and with diagnoses of ADHD, personality disorder, PTSD and schizophrenia. She is also the Director of the Trust’s Charitable Projects, which has involved teaching children in care and in schools both in the UK and developing countries.

Recorded Sessions