
This session is free to watch

The Body Moves: a Life-Art Dance

Intermediate understanding
Space and loose clothed required
Likely neutral
A sensing, feeling, thinking library, our bodies hold the stories and the memories of our lived experience.
Movement /dance is a language through which we are able to become aware and somatically creative. Bridging anatomical and physiological function with emotion, memory, imagination and autobiography, Daria presents a unique process of body mapping using the expressive arts of movement/dance, drawing and poetic narrative to guide participants on a journey through personal autobiography and archetypal themes. Participants will be introduced to the Tamalpa Life/Art Process®, an approach used to explore the bridge between the artistic and therapeutic potency of the expressive body. Please bring drawing/writing material (paper, pens)
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Guided Practices

  • Tamalpa Life/Art Process Experience Begin


All Keynote presentations proudly sponsored by Ilan Stephani.


This session is free to watch
Presented by

Daria Halprin

Leading pioneer in the field of movement/dance and expressive arts education and therapy, and co-founder of Tamalpa Institute