Meditation & Breathwork

This session is free to watch

Scientifically Verified Persistent Awakening in 6 Weeks or Less

Intermediate understanding
Movement not required
Likely neutral
"Join us for a presentation that covers the first modern, large scale scientific research project into ways of experiencing the world such as: persistent awakening, nonduality, enlightenment, unity consciousness, and so on. We'll be covering the key points from the research. Over the past 15 years this research has: 1.) Created the first cross-cultural and pan-tradition psychological map of these types of experiences. We've identified the various types of it all around the world, and eliminated the doubt that surrounded the experience of Fundamental Wellbeing. 2.) Created research-based protocols (originally for use in our scientific experiments) that reliably transition a majority of people who use them, in as little as one day, year in and year out - so people can transition safely, rapidly, and reliably. Our best current protocol transitions 65% of people 1 to 6 weeks, and 80% of people in 4 months. 3.) Conducted the first large scale research into the psychology of what happens after the transition, how life unfolds, and how to optimize the integration of these forms of experience into modern life, so people who transition to this can avoid ""sitting on a park bench for years"" type pitfalls and instead thrive right from the start."
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All Meditation & Breathwork presentations proudly sponsored by Philip Shepherd and TEPP.

Meditation & Breathwork

This session is free to watch
Presented by

Dr Jeffery Martin

Conductor of the largest international scientific study on types of consciousness