Victoria Mew

Nature Connection Mentor, Co-Author of Learning with Nature.
Victoria has facilitated nature connection worldwide and brings her experience of working with the 8-shields model of regenerative design since 2006. Having been introduced to wilderness philosophy and survival skills at 12 years old, a passion for nature was ignited. With deep nature connection and mentoring being an ongoing thread throughout her teens, Victoria was lucky enough to do a variety of immersion trainings both in the UK and the USA. This naturally led onto her writing her dissertation on: ‘How does growing up separate to nature affect childhood development?’ whilst studying at UCL. After completing her BSc Hons, she founded Cultivating Curiosity and developed long term nature connection mentoring programmes for both children and adults in Sussex. A few areas of particular interest are: the power of gratitude; natural fire lighting and conscious fire tending; weaving cultural containers for richer experience for all; and the role of questions and stories in pedagogy.

Recorded Sessions