Terri Ewart

New Zealand born gum booted, Somatic Erotic Explorer Terri Ewart has been delving into the world of Tantra, Embodiment and Pleasure for the last 25 years and professionally for the last 4. A certified Sexological Bodyworker, Somatic Sexuality Educator and Embodied Counsellor. She counts Uma Ayelet Furman and Dee Juventin as her mentors and has trained with the Institute of Somatic Sexology. Based in Tauranga, living on a life style block ( hence the gum boots ) she teaches both nationally and internationally primarily educating adults and teenagers on how to feel more pleasure in their lives. Terri brings a humorously authentic and vibrant approach to creating open, real and safe experiential learning spaces. Motivated by her own journey to more wholeness and the mother of two boys, she wants to support the creation of a world where our whole selves are honoured, respected and seen. “I create spaces for people to just BE. Be their authentic true selves and to explore their humanness with openness and curiosity. Supporting people to be in their bodies, to learn how to gently listen and live from a place of aliveness. To honour their pleasure without the taboos, social conditioning and judgements of society, family and self."

Recorded Sessions