Rick Snyder
Rick Snyder is the author of Decisive Intuition, the co-founder of StraightTalk.Live, and the CEO of Invisible Edge, an international consulting firm that develops intuitive intelligence for leaders and teams for more effective decision-making, sales, leadership and innovation. He speaks to businesses and organizations regularly and has been featured in Forbes, The Economist, Inc., CNBC, and Fast Company, as well as live TV. Beyond consulting, he has launched four businesses and combines that experience with his masters in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology and 20 years of studying and applying the best practices of human behavior to coach leaders to develop and implement intuitive skills into their business plans and company culture.
Book: Decisive Intuition - https://www.amazon.com/Decisive-Intuition-Instincts-Business-Decisions/dp/1632651475/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
Website: Invisible Edge.
e-Learning Platform: Intuition University - https://invisible-edgellc.com/intuition-university-individuals/
Social Media handle: @RickASnyder and @InvisibleEdge