Moran Bodner

Non-binary transgender, therapist and facilitator in the field of Queerbodiment focusing on LGBTQ body-mind experiences.

I am a Queerbodiment therapist working with people from all colors of the rainbow. In my work I utilize deep tissue massage combined with conversations, breathing, movement, Focusing, projective tools, and many Body Psychotherapy techniques. I graduated with a B.A. in Psychology and am currently completing my studies in Body Psychotherapy. I have presented workshops at the queer sexuality festival Queer Magic and The Israeli Embodiment Conference. In the past I’ve volunteered for IGY - Israel Gay Youth organization and for Ma’avarim - Israeli Trans Community. In addition to being a curious explorer of the body-mind, I am a non-binary transgender. To me this is an important part of my identity as a therapist, thanks to the unique and complex life I am fortunate to have lived. The deep insights I’ve gained regarding gender have deepened my understanding of the war between the genders, the confines and freedom they hold. Most importantly, my journey has taught me that when we choose change, we choose healing. Throughout history and different cultures many healers were queers. Their communities often recognized the importance of people who defied gender norms or presented varied sexual orientations. It is exactly this “otherness” that gave them a wider perspective on life and a greater ability to help people. I view myself as a descendant of a long lineage of queer shamans and healers. However, my journey has taught me we all have healing queerness within. Each of us holds a potential for change and finding our own voice. By allowing ourselves to tap into the infinite possibilities inside, we enrich and heal our lives and others. I assist and support people who seek that voice - through the body and mind. In addition, I facilitate Embodiment workshops. The workshop I will present on Queerbodiment, together with Ayelet Natan, is an introduction to our Queerbodiment workshop series, which will delve into the many physical and emotional aspects of the LGBTQ community. We will explore themes such as: gender, sexuality, “the closet”, social exclusion, pride and more. This introductory workshop was last presented at the Israeli Embodiment Conference. Email: Facebook Business Page: Facebook Profile: Youtube Channel:

Recorded Sessions