Jan Dworkin

Jan Dworkin, PhD. is a therapist, facilitator, educator and author. She has worked internationally with individuals, couples and organizations for over 25 years. She is also an executive coach and the founder of 361ArtWorks, a facilitation company that uses awareness methods and the arts to support organizational development and transformation. A key practitioner in the field of Processwork, Jan has been contributing to the development of its theory and practice since her student days in Zurich in the 1980s, when she was part of Processwork founder Arnold Mindell’s original group. She served as Academic Dean of the Masters in Process Work (MAPW) program for many years. Jan is author of the award winning book, Make Love Better: How to Own Your Story, Connect With Your Partner, and Deepen Your Relationship Practice (2019). She is based in Portland, Oregon and lives with her partner, Jerry, and their Corgi, Mattie.

Recorded Sessions